Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Once more...with feeling!

Well, I have decided to fully enter into the world of blogging. I mostly wanted to get something posted to explain what I am hoping that this blog will become. This is about issues that affect GLBT MMO gamers as well as thoughts on issues about MMO games.

The name of this blog is derived from my eternal joy that stems from my participation as a long term officer in The Spreading Taint (hereafter referred to as TST). TST has been a wondrous group that has had its ups and downs, but has grown to be, as far as we are aware, the largest GLBT guild in WoW. We are located on Proudmoore (where else would we be) and about as Horde as you could ever be. I am sure that TST will definitely continue in many aspects and probably in other MMOs as time goes on.

I really enjoy the game, but particularly the players. It is a safe place for us to talk about GLBT issues, concerns and life. Yes, we can get fairly bawdy, but I think it is because many feel free from the offensive comments made by players in MMOs.

This has prompted me to start my own blog about our experiences, advice and my general thoughts on issues that face us. I also intend to begin working on a podcast so be ready for that in the near future. It is my hope that this will be a place for discussion, comments and hoping to develop something meaningful, positive and humorous. I enjoy gaming with other GLBT friends and Allies as well, so I think that sharing some of those thoughts can only help to be beneficial.

Who knows? Maybe we will throw in a video or two for my own entertainment. Wait! I think I feel one coming on now....this is something from last holiday season that I threw together and thought it embodies the season as well as TST... Enjoy and good gaming to all of you!
Thrall bless us everyone.

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